Attraction Blueprint

Attracting All The Profitable Clients You’ll Need

Yes, it’s a bold goal!

However, without Attraction systems producing reliable, affordable and qualified prospects, any company will wither and die.

“Reliable” = systems are turn-keyed, bullet-proof and produce on demand.

“Affordable” = acquisition investment is in line with company budget and lifetime value of client.

“Qualified” = prospects are predisposed to doing business with you.

Attraction Blueprint Objective: Receptivity, Believability and Credibility in target market leading to:

1. Creation of qualified in-bound lead generation with prospects predisposed to transact business with you.
2. An effective sales process which closes 80%+ of qualified prospects.

Questions To Consider

  • Who is your real target market?
  • Have you set your Attraction budget based on what the “lifetime value” of a client is?
  • How many methods are you using to go to market?
  • Are you constantly testing new methods and empirically analyzing the results?
  • Does your Value Engine message garner Receptivity to your target market? Is it believable?
  • What have you done to establish your Credibility?
  • Is your message “irresistible” to your target market?
  • Are your salespeople forced to spend “sales time” prospecting? Is it productive?
  • Am I using direct response marketing concepts?
  • Are your employees rewarded for creating new and better marketing methods?
  • Do you have a persistent Public Relations plan to garner free advertising?

Multiple Lead Generation “Pillars”

Why is it most companies inside an industry market the same way?

For instance, in Financial Services we see a disproportionate amount of time spent cold-calling with results that are marginal at best.

The proper mix of proven market methods will insure you’re never held hostage by one method or its results.

Attraction Blueprint

STRUCTURE architects Attraction strategies to produce an ever-flowing source of qualified prospects.

Our Attraction Blueprint includes:

  • Knowing precisely who to target
  • Knowing the different types of “buyers” inside your target client companies
  • Designing and writing persuasive and irresistible marketing communications
  • Positioning you correctly against your competition
  • A complete analysis of all the ways you’re marketing now and their results
  • Designing the proper mix of marketing “pillars” for your objectives
  • Creating or enhancing your company “rainmaker” strategy
  • Creating a public relations plan to garner free advertising
  • A detailed Attraction implementation plan for your marketing team to manage