Evaluate Current Team

Your Vision – Do Your Salespeople Have What It Takes?

Our clients have aggressive visions for their companies.

Revenue growth and margin protection and enhancement are directly tied to sales productivity.

Questions to Consider

  • Who on your team may be crippling under price pressure?
  • Who may have cold-call reluctance?
  • Who has the skills but will never execute?
  • Who should no longer be on the team?

We know how to find out.

What You’ll Learn By Evaluating Your Sales Force

Which of your people can modify their behavior and thinking to grow revenues.

  • Which of your salespeople will grow your revenues
    (There are those who can but won’t)
  • Exactly what training they will require
    (Sales training needed is designed specifically from this input)
  • How long it will take for them to get better
  • How much of a revenue increase you should expect
  • How to track and coach individual performance and growth
  • Evaluations Available

Salesperson, Sales Manager, Non-Selling Professional (accounting, law, engineering, etc.)

The Process

You’ll complete (with our help) a “client profile” online. This creates a template that describes what you want them to do from this point forward. The client profile is stored on a web site.

Your salespeople individually go to another web site and answer questions on their skills and concepts of selling. It will take them about 40 minutes to answer the questions.

Their answers are then compared with what you want them to do from this point forward.


You’ll receive a Corporate Overview which gives you a summary of those evaluated, along with specific recommendations for goal setting, coaching, and reinforcement.

You also receive a listing of all the areas in which your salespeople need training, along with the growth potential for each individual, which helps the company define who is trainable and who is not, along with the limitations that exist within each person.

The evaluations also help us work with each salesperson in specific areas where they need the most work.

You’ll then get the best ROI from your sales training investment.